Animal Welfare and Rescue Organisations List


A New Hope Dog Rescue
081 893 4427
Animal Allies
076 511 5451
Animal Ambulance
083 241 4452
A.A.C.L.-JHB (Anti-Animal Cruelty League JHB)
011 435 0672
Animals in Distress
083 640 8824 / 011 466 0261
A.R.R.F. (Animal Rescue and Rehome Foundation)
082 784 1872
011 4475275
Catz R Us
082 448 3945
Cats 9Lives
082 495 6604
Cause 4 Paws
071 641 8888
C.H.A.R.M. (Caring Hearts Animal Rescue Mission)
084 900 0209
C.L.A.W. (Community Led Animal Welfare)
082 926 3627
084 958 8073
Dogtown SA/Barking Mad
076 0441979
Edenvale Ferals
Feral Squad
078 214 4241
F.O.R.A. (Friends of Rescued Animals)
082 336 5568
083 377 3219
Free Me (Wildlife)
083 558 5658
Friends of the Cat
076 389 7311
Highveld Horse Care
016 360 9900
International Primate Rescue
079 479 3712
Kitten Corner
074 215 1490
Kitty & Puppy Haven
060 582 1771 / 083 387 1012
Kneading Paws
079 492 5763
The Namaqua Dog & Donkey Foundation
076 714 5460
Pawesome Wacky Whiskers Rescue & Rehoming (PWWRR)
084 581 2383 (after 16h00)
Paws From Heaven
083 275 0664
083 518 0447 (WhatsApp)
P.A.L.S. (Pet Awareness Lenasia Society)
082 691 2323
P.D.S.A. (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) (Soweto)
011 984 4340
P.E.T.S. Johannesburg (Pet Empowerment in Townships)
Pet Rescue
061 423 3019
Pigs ‘n’ Paws
083 651 2082
Rainbow Nation Animals
082 553 7700
Sandton Street Cat Rescue (SCAT)
084 673 4442
Soweto Animal Rescue & Advisory Centre
084 911 9459
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue SA
027 047 6222
Thabazimbi Animal Rescue
084 885 6487
The Cat Samaritan
083 634 0069
Trix 4 Animals
074 581 4343
082 650 6011
Wet Nose
013 932 3941/2
Wollies Animal Project
083 339 1692
Woodrock Animal Rescue
076 155 4439


Cat Angel Refuge
079 319 5200 / 083 446 0864
Hartbeespoort Animal Welfare Society
076 455 0322
Happy Yappers
082 338 4538
Owl Rescue Centre
082 719 5463


C.A.R.E. (Centre for Animal Rehabilitation and Education)
071 692 5055
Hoedspruit Paws
078 431 3161
ReWild NPC
082 457 7297 / 082 851 6570


LPBH (Little Paws Big Hearts)
082 777 6671
P.E.T.S. (Pet Empowerment in Townships) Witbank
072 489 6037
Pro-Life Pet Rescue
079 498 7971


A.A.C.L. Port Elizabeth
041 456 1776
Animal Outreaches
082 654 9124
A.W.S. Port Elizabeth
041 366 1660
East London Pet Pals
082 850 8935 or 083 249 9372
Cat Care Port Elizabeth
076 889 0288
Eastern Cape Horse Care Unit
041 366 1594
Port Elizabeth Animal Rescue
072 959 6201
Save-A-Pet (Port Elizabeth)
041 372 1780
TAWI (Transkei Animal Welfare Initiative)
082 770 5579


A.A.C.L. Durban
031 736 9093
A.A.C.L. Ladysmith
083 629 9569
Animal Lodge
083 657 8767
A.P.E.S. Animal Protection & Environmental Sanctuary
072 306 5664
Coastal Horse Care Unit
031 782 1434 or 073 550 3061
Cat’s Cradle
082 719 0838
Cats of Durban
031 205 8331 or 083 758 4483
C.R.O.W. Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife
031 462 1127
4 Paws and a Tale
084 626 5508
Feline Feral Fund
072 266 9171
Feral Cat Rescue
082 786 7269
FreeMe Wildlife
033 330 3036
Funda Nenja Township Dog Training Initiative
082 657 5201 / 083 636 0891
Husky Rescue KZN (r/a The Lebanon ARRROHHH)
078 040 8282
Kitten Action
082 754 6809
Monkey Helpline
082 659 4711
Purr-Fect Rescued Cats
072 752 0324
Pet Rescue Pinetown
083 656 1140
Phoenix Animal Care
073 005 4275
Protect Ponta
082 464 3223
Project Dog
083 555 0111
SAFE Fostering Network
081 564 1649
Second Chance Sanctuary
084 646 1909
Umsizi Umkomaas Rescue Centre
072 833 5119


Douglas vir Diere
064 907 0900
Kalahari Heart Animal Welfare
073 609 2543


2nd Chance Animal Welfare
076 187 4292
African Tails
021 510 7360
A.A.C.L. Bellville
021 951 3010
A.A.C.L. Bredasdorp
083 898 0787
A.A.C.L. Epping
021 534 6426/7
Animal Lighthouse
078 347 8745
Animal Rescue Organisation
021 396 5511
A.W.S. (Animal Welfare Society) Philippi
021 692 2626 / 082 601 1761
A.W.S. Stellenbosch
021 886 4901
A.W.S. Helderberg
021 852 2268
A.W.S. Worcester
023 347 1049
072 672 4416
Animal Rescue Team
072 212 7380
B.A.R.C. Gansbaai Animal Welfare
Bitou Horse Welfare
083 704 0919 or 083 562 7236
Boland Animal Society
082 373 3005
CAAA (Capetonians Against Animal Abuse)
072 068 0884
C.A.T. (Cat Action Team)
082 782 3178
Cart Horse Protection Association
021 535 3435
Change for the Better Foundation
072 253 4308
CHAIN Boland (Communities Helping Animals in Need)
072 609 1165
Coco & Co Animal Sanctuary and Adoption Centre
072 877 0686
Cradock Animal Shelter
048 881 4745 or 078 631 9183
Dassenberg Dog and Horse Rescue Centre
072 057 7717
D.A.R.G. (Domestic Animal Rescue Group)
021 790 0383
Dead Animals Walking
072 298 9086
Deep South Animal Educare
021 782 5085
Drakenstein Animal Rescue
082 579 3005
Eseltjierus Donkey Sanctuary
023 635 1593
Fallen Angels
084 688 7111 / 076 993 9670
Four Paws South Africa
021 702 4277
Fisantekraal Animal Welfare
062 258 3547
Grabouw Animal Welfare Society
072 831 3694
Helderberg Animal Rescue Team
076 821 0465
Hermanus Animal Welfare Society
028 312 1281
Karoo Animal Protection Society
028 572 1717
Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society
028 271 5004
Knysna Animal Welfare Society
044 384 1603
L.E.A.P.S. (Lamberts and Elands Animal Protection Services)
083 734 7867
Lucky Lucy Foundation
072 779 7424
Mdzananda Animal Clinic
021 367 6001 / 068 385 9655
Mthatha Rural Horse Rescue
072 299 4440
Nog 'n Kans./Another Chance.
072 397 8761
ODIN (Oudtshoorn Dogs In Need)
072 084 1374
Oudtshoorn Diereherberg
072 070 5977
PAWS (Plett Animal Welfare Service)
083 287 9917
P.D.S.A. (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) (CT)
021 638 5134
P.D.S.A. (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) (George)
044 875 8300
P.E.T.S. (Pet Empowerment in Townships)
076 872 7071
PetPals, Strand
083 411 0738
Piketberg Animal Welfare
071 828 7952
Plettenberg Bay Animal Welfare
083 287 9917
083 641 3535
R.A.D. (Rescued Animal Drive)
073 354 4915
Raise ‘n Rescue
082 882 9906
Rescue is Life
076 186 5069
084 516 6903
Saldanha Animal Care
022 714 0110
SARABI Paws With A Cause
083 609 9854
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue SA
027 047 6222
TEARS (The Emma Animal Rescue Society)
021 785 4482
Tin Can Town
074 692 1247 or 082 570 9834
Tom Ro Haven
021 701 3040
021 959 3022
Township Animal Rescue
021 855 1824
Watershed Rescue & Rehab
083 447 0979
WCET (Western Cape Equine Trust)
082 454 5544
World of Birds (Wildlife Sanctuary)
021 790 2730
World of Birds (Wildlife Sanctuary)
021 790 2730


072 261 1735 or 083 774 5888
Harrismith Animal Shelter
063 795 9007
New Beginnings
072 942 9011
Huistoe Animal Welfare
084 767 0249
People for Pets South Africa
082 928 6396
Cluny Animal Trust Fouriesburg
082 335 3710


A.A.C.L. National Body (Head Office)
011 435 0672
Dancers Love Dogs
021 671 2442 or 082 707 1110
FurKidz Cyber Shelter
IFAW – International Fund for Animal Welfare
021 701 8642
National Cat Action Taskforce
083 327 0365
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
011 907 3590
Primates Africa
084 432 9974


Australian Cattle Dog Rescue
082 371 0371
Australian Shepherd South African Rescue Organisation
076 941 4079
Basset Rescue
083 357 5000
Beagle Rescue
083 228 4461
Border Collie Rescue JHB
011 395 2259 / 082 887 9668
Border Collie Rescue CT
072 210 3483 / 071 221 6150
Boston Terrier Action Group (BTAG)
082 260 3401 or 082 444 2086
Boston Terrier Rescue
082 782 6807
Bouvier Rescue South Africa
083 260 2153
Boxer Rescue South Africa
082 411 1561
Bull Terrier Adorabull Rescue and Rehabilitation
072 183 7850
Chihuahua Adoptions SA
082 886 1151
Critters Rescue SA
073 437 8919
Dalmatian Rescue
083 703 7272
Dachshund Rescue (Cape)
083 350 3712
Dachshund Rescue SA
071 313 5509
Dobermann Rescue
011 327 6440
English & French Bulldog Rescue Group of SA
German Short Haired Pointers
082 418 8599 or 082 753 3950
Golden Retriever Rescue
082 376 2885
Great Dane Rescue South Africa
082 850 8838
Greyhound Rescue
060 375 3904
Husky Rescue South Africa
082 851 9576
Jack Russell Rescue
084 621 3373
Labrador Rescue South Africa - Cape Town
073 898 9555
Labrador Rescue South Africa - Gauteng
064 659 7464
Majestic Beast Rescue (Boerboels)
067 729 6791
Maltese, French Poodle & Yorkie Rescue South Africa
072 343 2090
Nordic Rescue SA
082 927 4222
Pekingese Rescue
082 851 6779
Persian Cat Rescue (JHB)
082 781 4761
Persian/Exotic & Sphinx Cat Rescue SA (CT)
083 269 4304
Persian Cat Rescue (DBN)
084 753 2517
Pit Bull Underdogs SA Rehabilitation Centre
012 546 0040 or 082 774 3264
Pit Bull Federation SA
082 761 1155
Pug Rescue SA
082 449 2644
Nordic Rescue SA
082 927 4222
Ridgeback Rehab NPO
082 358 4337
Rottweiler Rescue & Rehome SA
Schnauzer Friends SA
Spaniel Rescue SA
078 305 6922
Spaniel Welfare SA (Cape Town)
082 377 4280
Spaniel Welfare SA (Gauteng)
082 821 3302 or 082 854 4318
Staffordshire Terrier Rescue
084 673 9893
The Dachshund Haven
083 325 2484
Yorkie Rescue South Africa
082 965 5883
Welsh Corgi Club
011 706 3930
Whippet Rescue
082 444 3444
White Swiss Shepherd Rescue
082 855 3210

Note: We have done our best to ensure that these details are correct and that all of the listed animal welfares are registered Non-profit Organisations (NPO) or Non-Government Organisations (NGO). Happy Tails magazine is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this list nor will it be held liable for any damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this list. For amendments or to include your organisation, please email